In the past, pigments sold in bulk. To boil his own red paint they used a recipe that looked something like this:


Recipe for 50 kg color

Enough for approx: 150 m2



33 l water

2.5 kg of wheat flour or rye flour

10 kg red paint pigments

1 kg copperas FeSO4

4 kg linseed oil



Bring to boil 28 liters of water

Stir the flour into 5 liters of water and whisk it

Let cook, stirring for 15 minutes

Add the pigment and copperas

Boil while stirring for 15 minutes

Add the linseed oil

Boil for another 15 minutes while stirring

Add about 2 cups ev soapy water for better emulsification (solution) of linseed oil


Once the paint has cooled, the finished painting.

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